
Feeding Beta alanine for Horses

Beta alanine for horses muscle acidification

Beta – Alanine? What is it and why feed it?

Beta Alanine is an amino acid that supports muscle performance by allowing the natural ability of the muscles to deal with lactic acid build up, this is important for the horse athlete.

Carnosine (a mini protein or dipeptide) is a natural buffer against lactic acid build up and it is formed in the body from the amino acids beta-alanine and L-histidine

Beta alanine for horses muscle acidification

Horses can make carnosine themselves, which is beneficial because beta-alanine and carnosine are not present in vegetable material. L-Histidine is present in adequate quantities in horse feed. Beta-alanine is recognised as being the limiting factor to the rate and extent of carnosine synthesis in the muscles.

Equine research shows that by adding a beta-alanine supplement to the feed can help increase the carnosine content in the muscles (Dunnet and Harris, 1999). This improves the horse’s ability to absorb acidification and to maintain intensive performance for longer periods.

Muscle supplements for horses

Synovium provides Beta alanine in our Myocare-E, an innovative muscle supplement supporting muscle physiology by:

  • preventing muscle breakdown whilst supporting muscle development with HMB (β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyric Acid) and Lysine
  • reducing muscle acidification and supporting recovery with Beta Alanine, stimulating Carnosine (a protein building block) in the muscles
  • improving muscle endurance, energy, and stamina
Feeding Beta alanine for Horses - Synovium Horse Health

Synovium Myocare-E Composition:

  • Vitamin E 80000 IU / kg
  • Selenium 20000 mcg / kg
  • Lysine 480g / kg
  • Arginine 80g / kg
  • Beta alanine 80g / kg
  • HMB (β-Hydroxy β-methylbutyric acid) 120g / kg